Great time at the North Palm Beach Ghost run, certainly will be keeping this one on my to do list for years to come. The race kicked off at the Anchorage Park in the Village of North Palm Beach ran up through the neighborhoods behind the North Palm Beach Country Club back down through the Village finally turning back to the park for the finish. Just a beautiful run through well established neighborhoods with large old trees, just a great reminder why so many people are attracted to the Village of North Palm Beach.
To me the Village of North Palm Beach and Tequesta are very similar, older neighborhoods, well maintained, and have a real home town community feel.
People really seem love the slightly larger lots, the pride the home owners take in maintaining the properties, the decades of established landscaping. A real pleasure to run through or even drive around. Once the race was over there was a kids 1k and awards ceremony, along with plenty of water, fruit, and muffins for all the participants.